Sunday, May 9, 2010

Vintage Style: Whiting and Davis Purses

I'll admit, I'm not an expert on handbags, but I do love the mesh style of Whiting and Davis. The most popular vintage purses are from the 1930s, however the company is still around and making handbags that are worn by celebrities such as Eva Longoria or Shakira. New, they can run in the ballpark of between $100-$300 depending on the bag. So why not by vintage bags?-they are no longer in production and you'll still look great, and are often priced less. Here are some of my favorites from Etsy. This silver one is from AbigailPrada on Etsy. Isn't it pretty?:

This one is from RaeofLight on Etsy. Doesn't the gold just sparkle?

And of course, we need basic black, this one is for sale at Modred12 on Etsy:

1 comment:

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I've always loved them. I've had an eye on my Moms'. Ah ha ha