Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Truth about Generic

With the high prices and inflations, many money saving blogs are talking about buying generic grocery items to save some money instead of buying the name brand products. When I was younger, my mother never bought generic items. She perveiced them as "lesser quality." My sister was trying to get her to buy a generic can of corn, and my mom was against it. My sister insisted that we had it before (it must of accidently been purchased) and that it tasted better than the canned corn we usually got. My mom acquiesced, and bought the corn. That night at dinner, I asked dad what he thought of the corn. He said, "it tastes good, just like fresh picked corn."
Now that I'm older, my husband and I buy generic. Hubs. worked in a bean factory, and guess what, they put the exact same product in the generic can as they did the name brand can. It's the exact same product! Ask someone that works with food, they will tell you the same thing. It's the same, one charges more. Good for the company if they can charge more, but I want to pay the lesser cost for the same product. There are some products that you can't scrimp on, and that depends on you. Me, I need the name brand toilet paper, no generic there. Are there some products that you only buy name brand?

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